I love working in Leigh’s studio. There’s room to spread out, good light, and I can’t get away from my paintings. It reminds me of when I was living at the Rasumussen, the small apartment where I lived when I came to work with Leigh in 2008. After “boot camp” with her, I returned and built a sheetrock wall attached to the existing lath and plaster in my living room where I could tack up large canvases and paint. It wasn’t Mexico and I didn’t have nearly as much room then but having my work staring me in the face every time I turned around made me pick up my brushes more often. Now, as then, my paintings won’t leave me alone. Right now the two are fighting. Perhaps I just need to let them work it out and when I wake up in the morning they will have resolved their issues.
I remember Leigh saying I had to stop being nice. When I awoke this morning my paintings hadn’t resolved their argument, so I had to step in and fight back. I’m going to go against my resolve and show you the discussion. I can’t explain it any other way. I think I’ll go paint a landscape for a while.