Hard work / by Sally Heppner

There’s a quote by Matisse in the kitchen of this little casita. I remember it was in the little painting shed when I was here working with Leigh before. Now it even has more paint splattered on it and is barely readable. I’ve found this quote to be a good reminder and very true:

Truth + Reality in art do not arise until you no longer understand what you are doing and are capable of, but nevertheless sense a power that grows in proportion to your resistance.
                                                                   –Henri Matisse

I’ve been thinking as I work how difficult painting can be. It’s probably the most difficult task I have ever set before myself—but also the most rewarding, except for parenting. Both involve constant evaluation and decision-making; both involve a giving up of yourself and your own desires to something beyond your understanding at the time. Sometimes it is easier to just hike up the tallest rock in the world.